Cucumber indigestion? I feel like my body has resorted to that of my 80 something year old Grandmother. Don't get me wrong, I love her, it's just the fact that although I am healthier than ever, I also am watching my food intake and body movements more than ever. It's getting easier, reminds me I should call Granny tonight.
I'll probably forget by the time I get home... Like I've forgotten my Blackberry twice this week.
-Healthy heartbeat and we had our first ultrasound on MONDAY! Saw a healthy baby and it jumped twice ;) Dad was happy, he's convinced those hops mean an athletic boy! I had to originally get up and dance to make the baby move a little because he/she was sleeping on its side. I can't wait to stop using the term IT toward my child.
-12 weeks and 6 days.
Mom Feelings:
Feeling tired again. I realize that I'm pregnant and he isn't pregnant so his work and lifestyle allows him to get out and see friends a little more. I'm not blaming him, I just see what's going on and realize I need to calm down and refocus what I need for this particular lifestyle and new MOM job. I work and want to sleep, or get ready for baby, or continue to clean during this moving transition. I was supposed to go to an art show tonight, but I forgot my phone and I should pack. Next week I need to look at ways to wind down, more me time with some prenatal yoga, more girl friend time, and more Phil and Mel time, not money or baby related. I just need to find a routine, which is perfectly normal considering the new changes that have occurred this past week alone!
Design Update:
Walls, floor, closet, bed, dresser- done! I can't wait to post photos. Still organizing all my things.
-Currently at work preparing marketing proposals for TIFF partners (lunch break). We have a pizza party tomorrow. I'll hopefully get to meet Mark's pregnant wife (six weeks ahead of me and having a BOY!) and play with Adam's three energetic boys.
-Have to send an e-mail to secure hotels for King of the Dot's World Domination show in August.
-Beatbox Canada needs to begin the marketing campaign$
Weekend Plans:
Heading to the country- Hanover-Harriston-Mount Forest-Durham-Palmerston to spend time with my best friend who had her birthday yesterday and her adorable little girl (my god child) Chloe!
xoPR MOM-to-be
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