Friday, March 30, 2012

PR and MOM

I'm just taking a break from working on the marketing package for the 2012 Canadian Beatbox Championships to make a quick post. Annabelle is sleeping on my lap and i'm typing away. We've been like this for about two hours now :)
I'm falling more in love with her everyday. It hurts so good.
Speaking of love, all three of us spent a beautiful day together.

We went to the Out There office to celebrate the 7th season! We got a sneak peek into our episode and let's say the water works came running down! I can't say much at this time which SUCKS but when it comes time to promote it i'll be all over that! 
Out There with Melissa DiMarco airs Saturdays at 7:30PM on Citytv.
Annabelle was a beauty all day, she's so calm and happy. On our way home we grabbed a present for her uncle Eric's 19th birthday. A little overdue Monopoly game to add to the collection. 
After fish and chips, we gave Annabelle a bath.
Baby: Two big milestones this week. She totally sits in her bath and loves it now. When she's not relaxing in her bath, Annabelle enjoys jolly jumping! It's soo sweet to see her get excited and hop. She's so strong. I feel so weak sometimes but she keeps my head up way high.
It's been a good Friday night. Although I wonder what my high heeled friends are doing I feel awesome doing what I do best- PR and MOM. 

102 days and loves tummy time!
103 days and loves bath time!
104 days and loves jolly jumpin' time!

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