Monday, July 25, 2011

This and that at 20 weeks!

Happy 20 weeks! 
Work: Busy interviewing PR people to help expand Beatbox Canada's media and social media reach. I think I found two amazing people that are going to help us reach all of Canada this year! Plus help at the November event when I am eight months pregnant is crucial!
Baby: I've gained 13 pounds so far this pregnancy. Been doing a lot of walking and it's tough to realize I get tired a lot quicker. My sister is staying with me for the week and it is soooooo awesome to have her everyday. I hope that all my sisters can come down a lot more. My family's already been down a few times this year which is surprising but now more than ever we realize we need each other. My grandmaman sent a card down with a graduation gift that said "tu seras la meilleur des mamans!" tear!
We also completed our final prenatal course yesterday at St-Joseph's Health Centre! We are so ready and there is much to talk about.
Love: I asked for my first ever foot massage yesterday because I did a lot of walking. I started my Christmas shopping. It wasn't planned but everything looked so perfect yesterday! Anyway so I needed a foot massage and I didn't think he was doing that well of a job so things got cranky. It's hard to slow down somedays and realize you need extra care. My ankles and legs are cramping more than ever! I need to make more time for prenatal yoga and remember to snuggle because that fixes everything. 

19 weeks

19 weeks

19 weeks- the day before we turn 20!
20 weeks! Same dress I wore on my June graduation to compare belly sizes.
Staring proudly at the cameraman lol

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