Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Blog about the fun $chtuff

I've had to really think about how I'm going to explain myself in this post. It's definitely going to try to talk about the financial preparation for mothers and fathers, but I'm far from being an expert. Either way, here is my story and I hope no one else can relate because I fear I do things the hard way.
Today my mom texted me "BP"
"What's BP?"
"Blood Pressure Mel"
Oh. right.
I guess part of having an unplanned pregnancy is well.. planning as soon as you find out!
We knew we were going to be best friends for life and that would make us amazing parents. We have life goals and values, respect, humour, love for life and love for each other.
However at this time- there isn't much money!
We both knew that we had to get motivated financially, and boy have we ever! That's why when I told him I was pregnant we went out and bought Cash For Life cards and slurpies.

I began asking friends what to do to get money when you're pregnant. How the heck is the government going to help me out?! I heard about Child taxes, maternity leave, parental leave, unemployment, and all this online registration that happens at the time of baby. To some of you you may be nodding your head. Hopefully a few of you were as new to the language as I was!

First step is to log on to the Service Canada website and read about EVERYTHING- this is where we register our babies until we register ourselves into old age. I hated hearing it but everything goes through this impersonal online service.
Now I created an account however I didn't have the 7 digit access code ( you request it through the registration process). I applied and called and was told yes it was coming through. It's now been over a month and still nothing in the mail.
When I called today- many different numbers from EI to CPP- the only thing they could do is offer to mail another one. I couldn't believe I'm already three months behind and now it's going to take even longer?!
Just so you know I am a freelance publicist- so I fall under this Self-Employment Maternity Leave category that has you wait a year from registration! So by next June I may have the chance to receive something? Well I hope I am back at work and not waiting around for  a damn access number that's for sure.
Either way, like I said, I'm still learning about this. My advice is to not share your story, do not expect pity and do not swear- no one on the other end of the line cares.
Take it step by step, make your My Service Canada account and hopefully we can all make it somewhere soon! In the meantime, I am waiting for the Access Code and I'll be meeting with my aunt and others to sort out my self employment taxes and get my four feet on the ground. Well, six counting the snoring daddy on the couch.
(p.s. I may sound like I have this down but any other advice offered is very much appreciated)

Baby Update: Are you a boy or a girl?! So curious!
13 weeks and 5 days-ishh... Lots of cute new developments in the belly! Happy Second Trimester! Am I finished with all these crazy emotions now?

Work: Quickly approaching the Toronto International Film Festival! I must say I'm highly impressed with Urban Barn and Guerilla Printing!

Beatbox Canada's partnership package is almost finished. Let's go boys!

Love: Sleeping on the couch through this horrible heat and horrible hockey game (Boston up 4-0 in the third period). I'm unpacking still and making this house a home :)

Cravings: Milk, Ice cream and berries!

Random fact: It took me two hours to get home tonight. I was stranded at Jane subway station after work where I met Phil's step dad Paul and hundreds of other people. Apparently we were waiting for a tornado watch/warning to pass from not to far away.
P.S. When I walked in my babe had a big bowl of ice cream ready! lol.

xox Pr MOM

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