Friday, June 24, 2011

Caramel Cravings

Midwife appointment yesterday!

Darling dutch midwife Titiana took care of us this round and she ended each phrase with a cute high-pitched word.

"I can tell you didn't PEEEeee" she squeaks while feeling my tummy. Adorable.

Then I had to weigh myself and I couldn't remember how to use those tall standing doctor scales so I hopped on the small dial one and I haven't gained a pound. They said it's quite alright, most of the gaining comes later. I had such a slow metabolism before and that's why I was so nauseous when I began the prenatal vitamins. My body was really working overtime! I tried showing Phil the doctor scale I couldn't figure out but he explained later he didn't want to be the ONE boy in the ONE office washroom with a line up of pregnant ladies. Oh hehe.

I feel great now and all is well with baby they said as they explained about the first ultrasound :)

We're 15 weeks and 6 days today. It doesn't look like we will get in for our next ultrasound until closer to 20 weeks but I get to go and give more blood as soon as possible. Joy.

So for all you boy or girl askers please stop! You're making me more impatient than I already am! Yes Melissa DiMarco I'm speaking to you! lol. My boss is convinced it's a boy because of this photo:

We heard our baby's heart beat again. This time she found it really fast and said the baby was moving (heartbeat was 150). I love these appointments because I feel they really bring us back down to our zen from all the work, deadlines and approaching commitments. I know we always walk away feeling better, stronger and happier.

Cravings: Oh la Caramel! The last two days in a row I've enjoyed an iced Caramel Macchiato (with Soy) and a Caramel Frappuccino (no whip but keep the caramel drizzle!) from Starbucks. I love working in the same building as a Starbucks :)
Iced Caramel Macchiato from

xox Happy Pregnant lady

Thursday, June 23, 2011

PR Mom Graduates

Proudly posing as a soon-to-be Humber graduate
Nice shot by my mother. Leaving graduation with Phil; my aunt Danielle and Uncle Glenn also came down from London. It means a lot to always have your family's endless support :)
Baby bump shot before the ceremony. It looks so big! Nice photo :)
Shaking hands with Humber College President John Davies
My rock; kept me motivated and continues to keep me grounded. You have helped me become the person I am today and I love it!

I like to call this my first official PR look
My mother :) Very proud moment! You helped me more than you give yourself credit for!

This PR Mom graduated yesterday! Graduate of the Humber College Public Relations Advanced Diploma program. Damn it feels good. I didn’t think I would feel so good! I mean, I moved to Toronto to attend college and become an actress on the side. I was no over achiever in high school and I knew college came next in life, but I had no personal academic goals and plans. I had no idea that I would become addicted to the world of PR and events, start working for a tv show in my second semester, meet the man of my dreams, fall in love, help start a company, make honours during my fourth semester and carry my baby across the graduating stage with me.

Thinking about all these unplanned goals and being in the company of my beautiful, proud and smiley PR friends made me realize how proud I really am of all I have accomplished.  Having my family (mom, aunt, uncle) and Phil present and seeing that their smiles were twice as big as mine put the cherry on top. For those who couldn't present like my sisters, father, grandmothers and other friends and family, you were on my mind all day as I thought about why I stayed in school when times felt tough and why I worked so hard in life and took chances. I work because I'm motivated by all of you. I’m truly proud to say my baby has already made it through college graduation!

Walking in to work today felt amazing. Knowing that I’m not just an advanced student with a Publicity and Marketing title to my name on a national show; but now I am officially just Publicity and Marketing- no questions asked. I am a graduate! Now I wont have to feel nervous when I walk into a movie studio as a ‘working publicist’ when really I was skipping English; and I won’t have to bow my head in classroom when the guest speaker happens to be a music studio publicist I'm working with to arrange some interviews!

I’m free! And boy I have a lot to do and I have no idea where to start. Then again, I had no idea what Public Relations was my first day of college (seriously). Let the journey begin!

Monday, June 20, 2011

To Be!

Photo of Phil and Scott at June Harlowe Foods, Toronto. The sweetest place and yummiest food to celebrate with the two cutest guys.
Uncle Scott Jackson Beatbox took us "to-be" parents out for our last quiet Father's Day lunch. We can't wait for macaroni crafts, scribble pictures and drool to love for years to come!

-We're at 15 weeks now. I hear a lot of new baby developments start happening by week 16:
-Little baby parts develop so we can hopefully find out if we're having a boy or a girl!
-We've also started a Baby Pool! Due date, time and weight at $10 for three guesses and the winner will receive a prize from us! All funds go to into our account for the baby. No one has paid yet, but it's fun to see the guesses! haha.
-I was also told we could start feeling a baby kick by week 16?!

Little baby belly at 15 weeks

Just juicy, hydrating items like fruits and vegetables!

-Brought baby to a beatbox jam and rap battle this weekend lol. Great music weekend and everyone is so happy for Phil and I!
-Still gathering the TIFF partners for Out There. Hopefully this telemarketer life wraps up soon!

Graduating from college after four years of school this Wednesday! After one year of PR at Cambrian College and three years at Humber College plus my experience working at Out There Productions for two and a half years, I am so ready for that certified diploma. I'm really happy with my choice to pursue my education at Humber College and the Lakeshore campus will be missed! My mom, aunt & uncle from London, as well as Phil will be sharing this special day with me. The PR girls can't wait to see the little baby bump.

We love to laugh til it hurts
-The other morning we happened to stop by the mirror in our bedroom and the one in the kitchen and just pose and make faces at each other. It was really weird...and cute.
-We ate a lot of poutine this week.
-Are we sick of each other yet? No. Falling more and more in love every night :) We watched baby videos on Youtube last night and printed Prenatal class forms for St-Joseph's hospital.

xox restless PR MOM

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

We have a lot to give and a lot to learn

I know all pregnant women especially for their first pregnancy, go through a series of questions, slight paranoia and loss of control like I have. It doesn't matter if you're a young new mom still working on a career and living under someone else's roof, or whether you're a top working professional, age 30 and you think you have it all. When it comes to babies, no one can ever have full control or ever prepare enough before, during and after. And this is perfectly alright.

For example, I never thought I'd be able to decide on one doctor, or one midwide, or one hospital of MY choice. How about the prenatal vitamins?! The clinic told me to go on Materna, my friend said the Equate version (which I use), and another said don't do it or you'll stay constipated. "What the heck is Folic Acid?!" People were saying "You will know, it's your choice." "What do you mean its my choice? I need YOU to tell me, I've never done this before!!" 

I turned to my best friends, my mom, the internet, my pr friends and a doula (thanks Natasha!) and in the end, I did make MY own choices. I made most of them within a week of finding out I was pregnant, which is pretty damn good . Looking back I know I could have saved some stress for Phil and I if I knew then what I've discovered now. I still haven't landed a family doctor, but we have the greatest midwife in the world. I'm sure all you women with midwives feel the same way, and that's okay, we're allowed to boast :)  

Another example is when we were chosing room colours. I've had white walls and wallpaper chosen for me my entire life. Next thing you know we're chosing colours! I'm and a black and white Chanel kinda girl! I lost sleep over the fact that I'd have coloured walls. Then one day at work I was daydreaming like pregnant people do and I told Phil how about green and brown and he said I was thinking the same. We're set.

It just goes to show that with time, everything falls into place. Although nine months never seems like enough time (especially when some of us find out it's usually past the nine month mark), you're always more than ready for the moment you hold your baby. It's human instinct. Try finding a pregnant influence in your life whether it's your dog, doula, mother or celebrity. If they can do it so can you!

A lot of people were concerned that I was worried about planning a baby shower after my last post. I mean, c'mon first time moms, you want to buy baby things and you're told to wait until a baby shower?! Who's controlling this?! Not you and it feels fregan scary. I got texts, calls, facebook msgs and e-mails. I love you all for reaching out!

The truth is I was honestly more concerned about planning the next few months with and without my love and I needed to write it all out. Baby showers are cute, short and sweet. Nothing to stress about but for now, because people have been asking me who,when and where, I had to be honest and say I have no fregan idea. And that's okay, the time will come.

As a PR and event coordinator I should know that the planning of an event can start months and advance, but it really comes down to the last week leading up to it. Or worse- the last 12 hours!

We need to remember that we're alll doing our best to prepare during our pregnancy, but the reason we have week by week studies of our baby, and appointments spread out throughout the entire nine months is so show us that it's a natural growing process. Just like our baby, we're growing and learning too, and we don't need to rush them or hurt ourselves to be the perfectly ready parent and have the perfectly set home. 

We're having a baby because we have a lot to give and a lot to learn (Kelly Cutrone, If you have to cry go outside)

I hope this post convinces women pregnant or not, to take 3 big belly breaths and smile. Right now. Do it.

One day at a time.

Xxo take your own advice PR MOM

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Sunday planning

Yesterday was a big special day for us, our love, and confirming our trust in life together. We opened our first joint account and mutual fund at RBC!

Today is a big day. We put up our big calendar which allows us to plan for the next 90 days. My babe leaves early August to be a part of an amazing experience across Canada.

Mark DeMontis is one of Phil's good friends and founder of Courage Canada, a non-profit organization that gives visually impaired youth the opportunity to strap on some skates and try our nation's sport- hockey! Often the kids are skating for the first time and at the end of a brief hour or so class with Mark and his team, the blind youth are holding hockey sticks and shooting. It's quite the emotional experience to witness and I had the priviledge to work with Courage Canada earlier this year. I got to meet amazing men and women from our Country's three blind hockey teams from Vancouver, Montreal and Toronto during Defi-Sportif, held in Montreal. Another goal for Mark and Canadian Blind Sports is to bring up the number of blind hockey teams across Canada.

Courage Canada is changing lives across Canada helping all realize that your dreams are always in your reach whether you are born with, or in Mark's case develop, a disability. In 2009 Mark and his team roller skated from Toronto to Vancouver leading up to the Winter Olympics where Mark later carried the torch. Quest to the West was his first major venture across Canada.

Now Mark is taking the team to the East. From Halifax to Toronto, they will raise awareness about the sport of blind hockey from approximately August 12- October 16 2011,  and my videographer boyfriend is going to capture every minute of it. Phil's been filming Mark for years, even in high school before Mark was diagnosed with Leber's Optic Neuropathy. This is a beautiful moment for them and he's going to have the experience of a lifetime; Phil will be smiling the whole way. I can't wait to visit Canada and see Halifax, PEI and head out West to BC. One day :)

Exciting! Isn't it?! It sounds long, but it really isn' it?

This was in talk well before the baby news and when we found out about our baby it was one of the first things that came to my mind as I was looking at the second bright pink strip appear on the stick. I said "Oh my god, this doesn't change a thing, you can still do it."And I told him before he even had the chance to question it. Of course it's sad that he will miss two months of our pregnancy, but it happens to be during months five-six and I should be fairly comfortable. I'm over my nausea, and I'm running right into the busiest time of the year with the Toronto International Film Festival coming up. Out There is going to be a great work environment during my pregnancy. They all love Flip and he's going to be missed this TIFF! With technology of phones, bbm, Facebook and days off where we expect to try and make mini trips to see eachother, it will be just fine.

Sleeping every night in our room missing his arms is a whole other story. Wow. We often joke about bringing in a photographer while we sleep. I don't know how we do it, but we literally form as one and stay stuck tangled in each others arms and legs all night.

There are a few things that we need to plan before he leaves, because by the time he comes back mid October, we're a solid month and a half- two months away!

I'm making a to-do list for before, during and after. If I have missed anything, don't hesitate to comments with suggestions and words of You Go Girl!

-It's cute: We get to practice rollerblading together although he may skateboard mostly while filming ;) I've gotten the chance to practice cleaning "bobo's" after a tumble. Philly came home with a wicked skinned knee and hand after a downhill skateboard incident. What a boy. He's excited to teach our kid to get right back up after something like that happens lol.
-Agree on prenatal classes- We should be able to take them for a few Sundays in November. Too late? Midwife doesn't think so.
- Plan Baby Pool! Charge $10.00 to go towards baby bank to get sexe and due date.. Good idea?
-Test baby strollers: Not even kidding! We need to have Phil test them to make sure the handles are extendable.
-Plan more baby room. We have a beautiful bedroom but by the time Phil comes back we will have more baby stuff and need to plan more room.
-Baby Shower: I don't care if I'm not supposed to plan these things but I have friends and family up north and friends and family down south. I love bringing people together!

- Keep my head up. Remember why he's away and how much I love him and Courage Canada.
- Besides, I will be busy enough TIFF planning with Out There with Melissa DiMarco!
-Beatbox Canada event planning (media and partners!)
-Read/ practice french/sing/ practice guitar. hah.

-Prenatal classes
-Baby room
-Love each other!

I'm going to watch a chick flick now *Bride Wars* while he's out filming with Left Turn City

xox crazy PR MoM.

 Phil filming during a Courage Canada skate day
 Johnny Bower, hockey legend and I, during a Courage Canada skate day for the TDSB at Weston arena.
Mark DeMontis, raising awareness before the 2009 Quest to the West.

Defi-Sportif: Blind Hockey players from Toronto, Vancouver and Montreal.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Blog about the fun $chtuff

I've had to really think about how I'm going to explain myself in this post. It's definitely going to try to talk about the financial preparation for mothers and fathers, but I'm far from being an expert. Either way, here is my story and I hope no one else can relate because I fear I do things the hard way.
Today my mom texted me "BP"
"What's BP?"
"Blood Pressure Mel"
Oh. right.
I guess part of having an unplanned pregnancy is well.. planning as soon as you find out!
We knew we were going to be best friends for life and that would make us amazing parents. We have life goals and values, respect, humour, love for life and love for each other.
However at this time- there isn't much money!
We both knew that we had to get motivated financially, and boy have we ever! That's why when I told him I was pregnant we went out and bought Cash For Life cards and slurpies.

I began asking friends what to do to get money when you're pregnant. How the heck is the government going to help me out?! I heard about Child taxes, maternity leave, parental leave, unemployment, and all this online registration that happens at the time of baby. To some of you you may be nodding your head. Hopefully a few of you were as new to the language as I was!

First step is to log on to the Service Canada website and read about EVERYTHING- this is where we register our babies until we register ourselves into old age. I hated hearing it but everything goes through this impersonal online service.
Now I created an account however I didn't have the 7 digit access code ( you request it through the registration process). I applied and called and was told yes it was coming through. It's now been over a month and still nothing in the mail.
When I called today- many different numbers from EI to CPP- the only thing they could do is offer to mail another one. I couldn't believe I'm already three months behind and now it's going to take even longer?!
Just so you know I am a freelance publicist- so I fall under this Self-Employment Maternity Leave category that has you wait a year from registration! So by next June I may have the chance to receive something? Well I hope I am back at work and not waiting around for  a damn access number that's for sure.
Either way, like I said, I'm still learning about this. My advice is to not share your story, do not expect pity and do not swear- no one on the other end of the line cares.
Take it step by step, make your My Service Canada account and hopefully we can all make it somewhere soon! In the meantime, I am waiting for the Access Code and I'll be meeting with my aunt and others to sort out my self employment taxes and get my four feet on the ground. Well, six counting the snoring daddy on the couch.
(p.s. I may sound like I have this down but any other advice offered is very much appreciated)

Baby Update: Are you a boy or a girl?! So curious!
13 weeks and 5 days-ishh... Lots of cute new developments in the belly! Happy Second Trimester! Am I finished with all these crazy emotions now?

Work: Quickly approaching the Toronto International Film Festival! I must say I'm highly impressed with Urban Barn and Guerilla Printing!

Beatbox Canada's partnership package is almost finished. Let's go boys!

Love: Sleeping on the couch through this horrible heat and horrible hockey game (Boston up 4-0 in the third period). I'm unpacking still and making this house a home :)

Cravings: Milk, Ice cream and berries!

Random fact: It took me two hours to get home tonight. I was stranded at Jane subway station after work where I met Phil's step dad Paul and hundreds of other people. Apparently we were waiting for a tornado watch/warning to pass from not to far away.
P.S. When I walked in my babe had a big bowl of ice cream ready! lol.

xox Pr MOM

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Oops I burped again

Cucumber indigestion? I feel like my body has resorted to that of my 80 something year old Grandmother. Don't get me wrong, I love her, it's just the fact that although I am healthier than ever, I also am watching my food intake and body movements more than ever. It's getting easier, reminds me I should call Granny tonight.
I'll probably forget by the time I get home... Like I've forgotten my Blackberry twice this week.

-Healthy heartbeat and we had our first ultrasound on MONDAY! Saw a healthy baby and it jumped twice ;) Dad was happy, he's convinced those hops mean an athletic boy! I had to originally get up and dance to make the baby move a little because he/she was sleeping on its side. I can't wait to stop using the term IT toward my child.
-12 weeks and 6 days.

Mom Feelings:
Feeling tired again. I realize that I'm pregnant and he isn't pregnant so his work and lifestyle allows him to get out and see friends a little more. I'm not blaming him, I just see what's going on and realize I need to calm down and refocus what I need for this particular lifestyle and new MOM job. I work and want to sleep, or get ready for baby, or continue to clean during this moving transition. I was supposed to go to an art show tonight, but I forgot my phone and I should pack. Next week I need to look at ways to wind down, more me time with some prenatal yoga, more girl friend time, and more Phil and Mel time, not money or baby related. I just need to find a routine, which is perfectly normal considering the new changes that have occurred this past week alone!

Design Update:
Walls, floor, closet, bed, dresser- done! I can't wait to post photos. Still organizing all my things.


-Currently at work preparing marketing proposals for TIFF partners (lunch break). We have a pizza party tomorrow. I'll hopefully get to meet Mark's pregnant wife (six weeks ahead of me and having a BOY!) and play with Adam's three energetic boys.
-Have to send an e-mail to secure hotels for King of the Dot's World Domination show in August.
-Beatbox Canada needs to begin the marketing campaign$

Weekend Plans:
Heading to the country- Hanover-Harriston-Mount Forest-Durham-Palmerston to spend time with my best friend who had her birthday yesterday and her adorable little girl (my god child) Chloe!

xoPR MOM-to-be