Friday, November 18, 2011

She's ready to come out now!

37 weeks pregnant= Full term
Full Term= Baby is ready to come out!
Due Date= Still December 8 but everyone else says earlier
Body: Just started “dropping”- This means that she is heading south. 
Medical: Tested GBS positive. A very random bacteria that comes and goes. It just happened to be down there at the time I was swabbed so they just take precaution so no bacteria gets on the baby. I’ll have to take penicillin when the labour starts and when my water breaks we have about four hours or so until they induce. Joy. 
Feeling: Very heavy, lazy and anxious to meet baby. Everyone says she’s coming soon. Meanwhile I am keeping busy with wrapping up Beatbox Canada, attending Twilight premieres, The Santa Claus parade and craft shows. Slowly decorating for Christmas, got a few things but I don't want to rush until baby gets here! I feel like it could be some sort of jinx. Decided me and Phil may each get the baby a gift that reminds us of our own childhood. 
Love: Last night our baby belly had her first snowfall! Then Phil looked at me all concerned for the warmth of our baby if she's born on a cold winter day. So cute. 
Baby: Moving a lot near the top right rib still. I feel lots of hiccups in my bladder and the midwife is confident with the baby's positioning. I still can't help but wonder/worry about this whole labour experience after having such an amazing pregnancy.

Hurry up baby! 


My Goddaughter Chloe kissing belly

Phil and I at Beatbox Canada!

Ya, trying to hold up the belly. And Phil picked out my new leopard slippers for the hospital

37 weeks pregnant

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