Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Thank you love.

I wrote this January 6, 2012 but I wanted Phil to read it first. I also wasn't sure if I should post it but the deciding factor is I want to see it in print if it happens again. Just a couple words <3

I've spilled my heart out in seconds again...

Thank you

Thank you for putting on my boots
Lending me your hand
Sharing your heart, your bed, your soul
Thank you for your patience, understanding,  and passion
Thank you for seamless transitions
Thank you for friendship, love and respect
Thank you for everyday excitement, everyday memories and our everyday future
Thank you for the crazy nights out, drinks, cozy nights in and making coffee again and again
Thank you for the book, all of our 'first times' and every other one to come
Thank you for growing with me from dating to pregnancy
Thank you for the baths and many gatorade and sugar craving walks
Thank you for Annabelle, our daughter, our life, our soul
Thank you for helping me deliver, holding my hands and feet and keeping me cool
Thanks for keeping your cool, keeping us calm and bringing Vogue into our delivery room
Thank you for getting us home safely, laying her between us and gazing at each other with happy tears
Thank you for us, for you’re our rock, Team AMP’s crazy glue
I’m always crazy for you
Thank you for your crazy smile, your goofy personality, never getting fazed and staying bright eyed
Thank you for making me stronger, goofier and excited for every step of life with you.
Thank you for always picking me right back up
Thank you for being so carefree, so easy going, so down to earth
Your reflection on me and our daughter is positive- we’re stronger because of you
Thank you for the New Year, new goals, new dreams- same us
Thank you for Annabelle, our daughter, our life, our soul.
My best friend, soul mate, daddy to my girl!
Best boy friend a girl could ever dream for
I cannot ask for more
Thank you for being a parent with me
As I love being a parent with you
Thanks love. 

(excited to see this printed in next year's book!)

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